Online Gift Cards & Scheduling 24/7. Located in Palm Coast, FL
Online Gift Cards & Scheduling 24/7. Located in Palm Coast, FL
Google Maps will bring you directly to us.
Located in the West Pointe Plaza
Palm Coast, Flagler County
4871 Palm Coast Pkwy NW, Suite 1 Palm Coast, Florida 32137, United States
Monday - Saturday
Call 386.227.7499
Text 941.815.3029
All of our massages include upgrades of your choice to have the best results. Our massage therapists can provide the pressure you request to be deep, firm, or light with any massage. Please communicate your needs during your treatment as needed.
We offer same time appointments for couples, please call to book if you don't see what you need online.
This is a very unique massage for complete relaxation putting your mind to ease and resetting the whole body. We use a combination of warm CBD Infused oils and DoTerra Aromatherapy oil blends for a therapeutic & relaxing experience.
60/90 minute treatments.
Our Full body Signature CBD/Hemp Infused Hot Stone Massage offers complete relaxation mentally and physically. Easing all aches and pains with the natural anti-inflammatory CBD. The heated stones act as an extension of the massage therapist's hands providing a soothing therapeutic effect.
60/90 minute treatments.
Prenatal Massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting women. Relaxing and Therapeutic. Specially-placed pillows, cushions and side-lying positions are used to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen.
Our Licensed Massage Therapists are certified in Maternity/Prenatal Massage.
30/60/90 minute treatments.
This treatment is very therapeutic. We use a combination of massage cupping & warming topicals choice of Tiger Balm or Doterra Deep Blue as well as fascia techniques to improve and release tight tendons, ligaments, joints & muscle attachments for ultimate pain relief.
60/90 minute treatments.
Our signature massage includes a Relaxing or Therapeutic Massage with CBD/Hemp & option of two upgrades such as Aromatherapy Essential oils, Cranial Lavender Melt, Peppermint Footmelt, warming topicals such as Doterra Deep Blue, Hot Stones or Cupping. Your therapist may recommend which upgrades would be most beneficial for you.
30/60/90 minute treatments.
Lymphatic Massage is a very gentle, light pressure relaxing full body massage that helps to direct lymphatic fluid towards the lymph nodes. Results are more Energy, Improved Immune Function and Reduced Swelling.
Client stays fully dressed while lying on a luxurious heated table. Reflexology is a technique that focuses on specific pressure points within your feet to help correct energy flows throughout your body. This treatment also includes pure essential oils for calming and grounding along with steamed warm towels for a relaxing experience.
We offer 30/60/90 minute treatments.
Massage by Natalie & Co
4871 Palm Coast parkway nw suite 1 Palm coast, FL
Copyright 2008 Massage by Natalie & Co MM#35183 MA#56869